从third degree这个词查到了共济会,寒。。
Third degree
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaEtymology
The third degree is a widely used colloqualism for an intensive, possibly brutal, interrogation. This usage is derived from the Freemasons, an extremely popular fraternal organization from the eighteenth through the early twentieth century. Masonic lodges have three degrees of membership; the first is called Entered Apprentice, the second Fellowcraft, and the third is Master Mason. thr granting of the Third Degree involves an extended interrrogation carried out as a scripted play in which the role of the inductee is physically challenging and, to an inductee with a lively imagination, possibly frightening, although no physical harm is inflicted. This interrogation was, by exaggeration, the source of the name of the police interrogation technique. That is referred to in an 1900 edition of Everybody's Magazine: "From time to time a prisoner... claims to have had the Third Degree administered to him."
The third degree is a widely used colloqualism for an intensive, possibly brutal, interrogation. This usage is derived from the Freemasons, an extremely popular fraternal organization from the eighteenth through the early twentieth century. Masonic lodges have three degrees of membership; the first is called Entered Apprentice, the second Fellowcraft, and the third is Master Mason. thr granting of the Third Degree involves an extended interrrogation carried out as a scripted play in which the role of the inductee is physically challenging and, to an inductee with a lively imagination, possibly frightening, although no physical harm is inflicted. This interrogation was, by exaggeration, the source of the name of the police interrogation technique. That is referred to in an 1900 edition of Everybody's Magazine: "From time to time a prisoner... claims to have had the Third Degree administered to him."
Labels: History_General
对音乐的表现,每个时代都有其特定的规范。十八世纪的欧洲上流社会,音乐家都多愁善感。C.P.E. Bach说,只有那些像一块木头一样呆坐在乐器前家伙,才会不明白没有手势和动作,怎么能演奏出好音乐。在所谓的十九世纪浪漫主义到来之前,其实sentimentality已经大行其道,和理性主义一起,影响了我们如今“civil society"的概念。从某种意义上说,是否可以部分地回答“为何西方古典音乐是今天这个样子”的问题呢。
Labels: History_General
Eisenstadt on Bureaucracy
周末选读了S.N.Eisenstadt的The Political Systems of Empires。很久没看过这么sociological的书了,架构清晰,推论严整,比如说“在何种社会条件下,官僚系统会倾向于发展自己的独立性,从而和统治者产生冲突”,然后就列出一二三四五条。再比如“古代帝国的官僚体系都有哪几个类型”,也列出一二三四五种,然后古代中国宋以前的属于种类二,晚期的"decadent stages"属于种类三⋯⋯总之就是随便翻到一页,都可以作成很漂亮的bullet points,但未免言语无味。
未名重开。居然开始慢慢回忆起来当时如何隔几分钟就去刷收藏的版面,如何选择性地只看classicalmusic & drama有没有新文章,如何寻找在线好友。这些动作和心思,原来根本没有淡忘过。
Google reader
Labels: Sentimental moments
I'm so tired
I can't sleep.
Totally freaked out by ppl living next door. They just kept talking even after I knocked at the door and asked them to be quiet.
And it's already 3am.
And I came back to my bed and imagined myself shouting at them, throwing stuff at them, or totally disappearing from this place.
Finally they did become quiet. But I still can't sleep. I was staring at the ceiling, wondering whether someone has stolen my dreams.
I want my good dreams back. I want to wake up in California. I'm trying too hard to sleep well.
I'm so tired
I can't sleep.
Labels: Twists and turns
Given the fact that leishu occupied almost 10% of the content in Siku 四庫, the genre provides extraordinarily rich material for researchers then and now. Hu Daojing defined leishu as comprehensive compilation of all branches of knowledge about human society and natural world, but this differs from the modern idea of "encyclopedia" (Baikequanshu百科全書) in that entries in leishu were quotes and excerpts from primary material instead of a separately-composed essay. In a sense, leishu could be understood as a hybrid of encyclopedia essays and compiled information.
The broad scale of Leishu creates difficulty for bibliographers in deciding the place of this genre in the tree of knowledge. Since texts from all the traditional divisions of writing (Jing 經/Shi 史/, zi 子/ji 集 i.e., Classics/ Histories/ Philosophers/ Belles-lettres) could all be found within the pages of a Leishu, where should Leishu go? The Siku compilers were aware of this problem, but nonetheless followed convention and kept Leishu in the Zi category.
When using a particular leishu, it is important to note its origin, its intended readership, and its scope of content. Aside from the imperially funded leishu projects, there is also a considerable body of leishu titles compiled by individual literati and printing houses. Official leishu such as Gujin tushu jicheng 古今圖書集成 signified the imperial court's support of scholarly endeavor and its authority over knowledge production, while at the same time providing useful guidance for officials in composing memorials and reports.
The wide circulation of practical leishu in all literate social strata, however, merits closer attention. Researchers have noted that the booming market for phonology leishu in the early Tang was closely related to the widespread practice of poetry-writing at the time, and that leishu also figured prominently in helping aspiring civil service exam-takers to prepare. In the Ming and Qing, vernacular leishu titles were sold, bought, and re-issued by printing houses. They offered popular guidance in coping with everyday life.
Hu Daojing, Zhongguo gudai de leishu. Beijing Shi : Zhonghua shu ju, 2005.
Tang Guangrong, Tang dai lei shu yu wen xue. Chengdu Shi : Ba Shu shu she, 2008.
Liu Tianzhen, Ming dai tong su lei shu yan jiu. Jinan : Qi Lu shu she, 2006.
Labels: History_China before 1840
科学通史课在告别了牛顿之后,用一个星期讲完了Linnaeus和Buffon的十八世纪,然后就直接跳到了达尔文的十九世纪。颇为不过瘾。我知道老师们是想宁可花多点时间把自己熟悉的东西讲透,宁缺毋滥,好吧,本来就应该自己多看书。翻了Dorinda Outram综述启蒙运动的小册子,收获是另一列书单。这个系列还是不错的,如果想从头了解一个领域(尤其是最近几十年学术走向)的话。

科学通史课在告别了牛顿之后,用一个星期讲完了Linnaeus和Buffon的十八世纪,然后就直接跳到了达尔文的十九世纪。颇为不过瘾。我知道老师们是想宁可花多点时间把自己熟悉的东西讲透,宁缺毋滥,好吧,本来就应该自己多看书。翻了Dorinda Outram综述启蒙运动的小册子,收获是另一列书单。这个系列还是不错的,如果想从头了解一个领域(尤其是最近几十年学术走向)的话。

与林奈自命为“第二个亚当”的救世情怀相比,我更喜欢Buffon的Histoire Naturelle。插图可爱平实,文字有世俗理性的智慧,尽量不动用上帝来解释问题。林奈声称自己的分类系统揭示了上帝造物的意图,Buffon则认为一切分类系统基本上都不可能完全正确,仅仅是图方便,更重要的是区分物种,而不是建立复杂的hierarchy。
说到十八世纪,The Great Cat Massacre非常非常好,强烈推荐阅读。然而Robert Darnton所描述的一切都只将我带到1789年的前夜,戛然而止。非常希望能有整块时间来把启蒙运动这一块切割、拼缀、糅合、吃掉。。
Labels: History_Sci and Med, Sentimental moments