
Eternity and a day

1. 在波士顿三周时间。把周围生活铺展开到最小的限度,办完各种繁杂的手续,再悉数收回箱里,抽身离开。希望下次再回来,终于能安定过日子。

2. 又赶上五月毕业季。在街上走走就会碰到熟人,见到就抓住去吃饭,聊很长的天聊到默然。从未有这样隐隐地害怕别后暌违一生。

3. 四年就是这样匆匆过眼。陈旧情绪泛滥,精神亢奋,半夜睡不着。波士顿就是这么一个折腾人的地方,跟人抱怨过也罢,自己早已不知不觉染上此地特有的挑剔和急脾气。

4. 回芝加哥也将近一个星期了。试着遵行一种新的生活秩序:把笔记本电脑锁在学校图书馆的柜子里,每天空手到学校,工作到一段落之后再空手回家,晚上就不怎么看屏幕。

5. 以后看材料做笔记的时候,要注意把线装书卷数、叶数,以及重印版册数、页码分别记好。用数据库尤应注意底本的版本,以及所说的页数到底是原印还是再版。最后能省掉多少时间。

6. 海德园已经绿阴冉冉,庭院里有碗口大的牡丹花盛开。风大,尘土也较大,于是想着最好每天扫地。生活单纯到一点不担心送走今日,因为还有一个多半相似的来日。

7. 前天结婚纪念日,找几个人,去了一家本地新开的餐馆。伴着吵死人的乐队音量,也多半放弃听清饭桌上谈话的努力,只顾微笑着吃完。无论在多么困顿的时刻,说起“二十年后”的事情,也能够淡定回应的,大概才是长久的伴侣吧。



五月十三日 抄书

Lionel Trilling, introduction to George Orwell, Homage to Catalonia, 1952

 "In a politics presumed to be available to everyone, ideas and ideals play a great part.  And those of us who set store by ideas and ideals have never been quite able to learn that just because they do have power nowadays, there is a direct connection between their power and another kind of power, the old, unabashed, cynical power of force.  We are always being surprised by this."


"If we ask what it is that he [Orwell] stands for, what he is the figure of, the answer is: the virtue of not being a genius, of fronting the world with nothing more than one's simple, direct, undeceived intelligence, and a respect for the powers one does have, and the work one undertakes to do.  We admire geniuses, we love them, but they discourage us.  They are great concentrations of intellect and emotion, we feel that they have soaked up all the available power, monopolizing it and leaving none for us.  We feel that if we cannot be as they, we can be nothing."


"Orwell could even admire the virtues of the lower middle class, which an intelligentsia always finds it easiest to despise. ... [F]or the prototypical act of the modern intellectual is his abstracting himself from the life of the family.  We have yet to understand the thaumaturgical way in which we conceive of intellectuality.  At least at the beginning of our intellectual careers we are like nothing so much as those young members of Indian tribes who have had a vision or a dream which confers power in exchange for the withdrawal from the ordinary life of the tribe.  Or we are like the adventuring youngest son who is kind to some creature on his travels and receives in reward a magical object.  By intellectuality we are freed from the thralldom to the familial commonplace, from the materiality and concreteness by which it exists, the hardness of the cash and the hardness of getting it, the inelegance and intractability of family things.  It gives us power over intangibles, such as Beauty and Justice, and it permits us to escape the cosmic ridicule which in our youth we suppose is inevitably directed at those who take seriously the small concerns of this world, which we know to be inadequate and doomed by the very fact that it is so absurdly conditioned---by things, habits, local and temporary customs, and the foolish errors and solemn absurdities of the men of the past."






中午在附近的小店Il Mondo吃披萨。每次去都会被熏一身油烟味,但实在好吃,下面是已经被咬了一口的素披萨,慷慨地撒满了洋薊、橄榄、彩椒、罗勒叶、蘑菇⋯⋯


