

去燕京图书馆初探的成果是借回来了《八九点钟的太阳》(Morning Sun),北岛的《青灯》还有虹影的《饥饿的女儿》。周末看完了。

纪录片里出现了很多听说过没听说过的人物。黄永玉一如既往地有范,“挨打也要有挨打的样子,”拿着烟斗出一回神。李锐的眼神非常清亮,谈吐间有一种韧劲。我看着每个革命年代北京大院里成长起来的人,觉得他们之间其实那么像。比如李锐的女儿,就很神似我的Li Jian老师。






Ruth Rogaski Hygienic Modernity:Meanings of Health and Disease in Treaty-Port China。讲“卫生”这一概念在中国现代化进程中的演变,选天津为例。

喜欢她很多观点,比如西医这一概念在十九二十世纪之交发生剧烈变化,那时候人们看到的西医还远不是今天这两个字所指的意思。另外,日本在整个东亚现代化进程中的重要性。能够把福柯的理论有判别地应用到东亚国家如何实现“卫生”现代化,不像后殖民主义史家对现代西方医疗体系中的power structure那种本能的厌恶,实属难得。


今天又顺着翻看了William JohnstonThe Modern Epidemic: A History of Tuberculosis in Japan.文笔和气度均不如Hygienic Modernity, 难怪反响平平。感觉Johnston没有把国家的概念拆解清楚。如果能把二十世纪初日本政府对内对外的政策理念分析得更加context-specific,会更好。如果有地域之间的比较,就更好。总觉得,写医学史公共卫生史的目的,不应该都在epidemics本身。如Cholera Years其实说的是十九世纪中期美国内战前后的社会巨变,Hygienic Modernity想说的其实是所谓的“半殖民地半封建”社会到底是怎么一回事。如果我将来做再靠近一些的时期,大概会想问所谓的“新民主主义革命”和“社会主义革命”究竟是怎么一回事。所以结论是,提出好的问题很重要。

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研究晚明-清前期-清中后期江南的地方慈善组织。very concrete social history, with reference to some 1,500 县志...

A good point to make is that there'd always been gap between the state and the society prior to late 19th century, without the "modern" instruments that makes authoritarian regimes possible. The idea that so-called "oriental despotism" somehow suffocated creativity of every social sphere simply does not make any sense. Rather we find the central imperial state rather weak. There certainly were places and organizations controlled neither by the state nor by the private sector alone; said Liang. We're not that surprised to find Rowe's Hankow, or Mary Rankin's Zhejiang, where a lot of such activities were proved to be going on.

So a more interesting question is to ask why, and in what ways, did the various conservative philanthropic organizations gradually transformed into antagonizing forces to state control, compared to the old question whether China had "civil society" or any kind of "public sphere" prior to the 19th century. It is worth pondering--- from which point did the notion that the state should take philanthropy as a means to minimize economic/social risks of its citizens first penetrated, or not yet, the Chinese version of modernity.

It is thus linked to the study of medicine and science in late 19th-early 20th century China. Both provided indispensible means (and even ends, esp. in the case of medicine and the cultural authority possessed by modern sciences) for the vital transformation at that time. What a messy yet intriguing period for historians!





Max Weber Politics as a vocation

  • Whoever wants to engage in politics at all, and especially in politics as a vocation, has to realize these ethical paradoxes. He must know that he is responsible for what may become of himself under the impact of these paradoxes. I repeat, he lets himself in for the diabolic forces lurking in all violence.

  • Everything that is striven for through political action operating with violent means and following an ethic of responsibility endangers the 'salvation of the soul.'

  • Age is not decisive; what is decisive is the trained relentlessness in viewing the realities of life, and the ability to face such realities and to measure up to them inwardly.

  • Certainly all historical experience confirms the truth --that man would not have attained the possible unless time and again he had reached out for the impossible.