1.12 抄书 Auerbach 六十年前谈研究与为学
Erich Auerbach, "The Philology of World Literature" (1952)
英译者Jane O. Newman, in, ed. James I. Porter (Princeton University Press 2014), 253-266.
In general, however, as I stated at the outset, different cultures have begun to resemble one another much more rapidly and completely these days than a humanist of the Goethean persuation might want to endorse. And there appears to be no reasonable likelihood that any such differences as remain between the cultures will be able to be settled by any means other than force. The idea of world literature that I am proposing here, which conceives of world literature as a diverse backdrop to a common human fate, no longer seeks, then, to achieve what is in any case already underway (even if it is happening entirely differently than one might have hoped). I accept as inevitable that world culture is in the process of becoming standardized.
But I do hope that my understanding of world literature will allow those nations that are in the midst of this fateful convergence to focus with greater precision on what is happening to them in these, their last productive moments of variety and difference, so that they can remain mindful of the process and make it part of their own mythologies. If they do so, their awareness of the abundance and depth of intellectual and spiritual developments over the past millennia will not wither and die. It would be fruitless even to speculate about what long-term impact such an effort might have; the task at hand is only to create the possibility that it might have one. ... It might even help us accept what is happening to us with greater composure, and allow us to not despise our enemies all too blindly, even when it is our mission to fight them. In this sense, my idea of world literature and its corresponding philology is no less human and no less humanistic than its predecessor.
(p.262) In order to conduct a large synthetic project, it is necessary to find a starting point, a tangible hook, as it were, that allows one to lay hold of one's object of study. This point must single out a clearly circumscribed and easily surveyed set of phenomena. And the interpretation of these phenomena must possess an illuminating power that is sufficient to organize and interpret a far broader range of phenomena than the point from which it started.
--“陈词滥调总是在前方潜伏着等你。” They are ever ready to interject themselves into our writing as soon as we drift away from the energy that the tangible exerts. It is thus that the occasional writer--and many readers--are led to mistake an appealing cliché for the thing itself.
Yet, our philological home is the earth. It can no longer be the nation. The most precious and necessary thing that philologists inherit may be their national language and culture. But it is only in losing--or overcoming--this inheritance that it can have this effect. We must now turn -- albeit under different conditions -- to what the pre-nation-state culture of the Middle Ages already possessed, to the knowledge that the human spirit itself is not national.
……(Hugh of Saint Victor, Didascalicon 3.20)
"The man who finds his homeland sweet is still a tender beginner; he to whom every soil is as his native one is already strong; but he is perfect to whom the entire world is as a foreign land."
Hugh's intended audience consisted of those individuals whose goal it was to free themselves from their love of this world. But it is also a good path to follow for anyone who desires to secure a proper love for the world.
Hugh of St. Victor所面对的读者们,是一心想摆脱对此世的爱欲牵缠的人。而我们今天也许还可以沿着这条路,去追寻为了这个世界的一种适切的爱。
英译者Jane O. Newman, in
In general, however, as I stated at the outset, different cultures have begun to resemble one another much more rapidly and completely these days than a humanist of the Goethean persuation might want to endorse. And there appears to be no reasonable likelihood that any such differences as remain between the cultures will be able to be settled by any means other than force. The idea of world literature that I am proposing here, which conceives of world literature as a diverse backdrop to a common human fate, no longer seeks, then, to achieve what is in any case already underway (even if it is happening entirely differently than one might have hoped). I accept as inevitable that world culture is in the process of becoming standardized.
But I do hope that my understanding of world literature will allow those nations that are in the midst of this fateful convergence to focus with greater precision on what is happening to them in these, their last productive moments of variety and difference, so that they can remain mindful of the process and make it part of their own mythologies. If they do so, their awareness of the abundance and depth of intellectual and spiritual developments over the past millennia will not wither and die. It would be fruitless even to speculate about what long-term impact such an effort might have; the task at hand is only to create the possibility that it might have one. ... It might even help us accept what is happening to us with greater composure, and allow us to not despise our enemies all too blindly, even when it is our mission to fight them. In this sense, my idea of world literature and its corresponding philology is no less human and no less humanistic than its predecessor.
(p.262) In order to conduct a large synthetic project, it is necessary to find a starting point, a tangible hook, as it were, that allows one to lay hold of one's object of study. This point must single out a clearly circumscribed and easily surveyed set of phenomena. And the interpretation of these phenomena must possess an illuminating power that is sufficient to organize and interpret a far broader range of phenomena than the point from which it started.
--“陈词滥调总是在前方潜伏着等你。” They are ever ready to interject themselves into our writing as soon as we drift away from the energy that the tangible exerts. It is thus that the occasional writer--and many readers--are led to mistake an appealing cliché for the thing itself.
Yet, our philological home is the earth. It can no longer be the nation. The most precious and necessary thing that philologists inherit may be their national language and culture. But it is only in losing--or overcoming--this inheritance that it can have this effect. We must now turn -- albeit under different conditions -- to what the pre-nation-state culture of the Middle Ages already possessed, to the knowledge that the human spirit itself is not national.
……(Hugh of Saint Victor, Didascalicon 3.20)
"The man who finds his homeland sweet is still a tender beginner; he to whom every soil is as his native one is already strong; but he is perfect to whom the entire world is as a foreign land."
Hugh's intended audience consisted of those individuals whose goal it was to free themselves from their love of this world. But it is also a good path to follow for anyone who desires to secure a proper love for the world.
Hugh of St. Victor所面对的读者们,是一心想摆脱对此世的爱欲牵缠的人。而我们今天也许还可以沿着这条路,去追寻为了这个世界的一种适切的爱。
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